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Property Details
Sunshine Valley
Old Hope Princeton Highway, SUNSHINE VALLEY ESTATES, Sunshine Valley, Sunshine Valley, BC, V0X 1L5, CANADA
sysid | 262946250 |
System ID - SystemID | 262946250 |
Area - Area | Hope & Area |
List Price - ListPrice | 224000 |
Address Number - AddrNumber | SVE50 |
Address Street - AddrStreet | OLD HOPE PRINCETON |
City - City | Sunshine Valley |
Province - Province | BC |
Postal Code - PostalCode | V0X 1L5 |
List Sales Rep 1 - LstAgt1 | 25954 |
List Firm 1 Code - Firm1Code | 3902 |
List Sales Rep 2 - List2PubID | 0 |
List Firm 2 Code - List2PubI1 | 0 |
List Sales Rep 3 - List3PubID | 0 |
List Date - ListDate | 2024-09-10 |
Legal Description - LegalDesc | LEASE CB1090797 SVE50 ON PLAN EPP113679 HERETO IS |
Last Trans Date - LastTrDate | 2025-02-19 12:40:33 |
Photo Count - PhotoCount | 24 |
PhotoTimestamp - PhotoDate | 2024-09-11 17:08:10 |
ML # - MLNo | R2924623 |
Street Designation - StreetDesg | HIGHWAY |
Status - Status | Active |
Price Per SQFT - PriPerSQFT | 20.61 |
Sub-Area/Community - SOrA | Sunshine Valley |
Short Region Code - BoardID | Chilliwack & District Real Estate Board |
Title to Land - TitletoLnd | Leasehold prepaid-NonStrata |
Property Disclosure - PrDsclYOrN | Yes |
Flood Plain - FloodPln | No |
Zoning - Zoning | RS1 |
View - View | Yes |
Complex/Subdivision - CmplxrSubd | SUNSHINE VALLEY ESTATES |
For Tax Year - ForTaxYr | 2024 |
Frontage - Feet - FrontageFt | 0.00 |
Frontage - Metres - FrontMetre | 22.90 |
Potential for Rezoning? - Rezone | No |
Sketch Attached? - SktchAtch | No |
Trees(Logged in last 2yr) - Trees | No |
Prop Type - PropType | Land Only |
Measurement Type - MeasType | Metres |
Sanitary Sewer - SanitrySwr | None |
Storm Sewer - StormSwr | None |
Electricity - Electricty | At Lot Line |
Natural Gas - NaturalGas | Not Available |
Telephone Service - PhoneServ | Available Nearby |
Fencing - Fencing | None |
Access to Property - AccestoPrp | Road Access |
Depth - Depth | 45.7 |
Water Supply - WtrSupply | Other-Licensed |
Prev Commission - PrevComm | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
P.I.D.# - PID | 700-013-947 |
View - Specify - VwSpecify | MOUNTAINS |
Lot Sz (Sq.Ft.) - LotSzSF | 10866.60 |
Lot Sz (Acres) - LotSzA | 0.25 |
Lot Sz (Sq.Mtrs.) - LotSzSqMtr | 1009.54 |
Lot Sz (Hectares) - LotSzH | 0.10 |
Gross Taxes - GrossTax | 917.72 |
Cable Service - CableServc | Available Nearby |
Parking Access - PrkngAccss | Front |
Restrictions - Restrictns | Building,Floor Space Ratio |
Site Influences - SitInflncs | Private Setting,Private Yard,Recreation Nearby,Rur |
Public Remarks - PublicRmrk | Sunshine Valley Estates, quarter acre lot ready fo |
LA1Agent Logon Name - LA1LogonNm | V22417 |
LA1Agent Phone1 Number - LA1Phn1Nbr | 604-240-1927 |
LA1Agent Email - LA1Email | [email protected] |
LA1Agent Url - LA1Url | https://rodrhearyan.com |
LA1Agent Full Name - LA1AgntFNm | Rod Hayes PREC* |
LO1Office Abbreviation - LO1OfcAbrv | V001614 |
LO1Office Name - LO1OfcName | Royal LePage Sterling Realty |
LO1Office Phone1 Number - LO1Phn1Nbr | 604-421-1010 |
LO1Office Url - LO1Url | https://sterlingrealty.royallepage.ca |
Pub Listing on Internet - VOWIncl | Yes |
Display Addr on Internet - VOWAddr | Yes |
Broker Reciprocity - INOK | Yes |
List Firm 3 Code - LstRlt3OID | 0 |
Expiry Date - ExpDate | 2025-09-10 |
Original Price - OrigPrice | 224000 |
Sold Date - SoldDate | 0000-00-00 |
Sold Price - SoldPrice | 0 |
DOM - DOM | 162 |
Cumulative DOM - CDOM | 162 |
Region - RD | Chilliwack |
Commission - Commission | 3.2% 1ST $100,000 / 1.16% BAL + $2,000 BONUS |
Prev Price - PrevPrice | 199000 |
Perc Test Date - PercTestDt | 0000-00-00 |
Bldg Permit Approved? - BldgPrmtAp | No |
Info Package Available? - InfoPkgAvl | No |
Development Permit? - DevPermit | No |
Permitted Land Use - LandUse | House/Single Family |
Prop in Lnd Reserve?(ALR) - ALR | No |
Prospectus - Prospectus | Not Required |
Building Plans - BldgPlans | Not Available |
Perc Test Available? - PercTstAvl | No |
Sign on Property? - SignonProp | Y |
Front Dir Exposure - FrntDrxpsr | Southwest |
Type - Type | Other |
Entry Date - EntryDate | 2024-09-11 22:26:41 |
Cumulative DOMLS - CDOMLS | 0 |
Land Lease Expiry Year - LndLseExpr | 0 |
Sold Price per SqFt - SPSqft | 0.00 |
SP/LP Ratio - SPrLPRatio | 0.00 |
SP/OLP Ratio - SPrOLPRati | 0.00 |
Adjustment Date - AdjDate | 0000-00-00 |
Sellers Acceptance Date | 0000-00-00 |
Subject Removal Date | 0000-00-00 |
Completion Date | 0000-00-00 |
Listing Provided By
Rod, Rhea, Ryan Hayes
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The data relating to real estate on this web site comes in whole or in part from the MLS Reciprocity program of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver. Real estate listings held by participating real estate firms are marked with the MLSR logo and detailed information about the listing includes the name of the listing agent. This representation is based in whole or part on data generated by the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver which assumes no responsibility for its accuracy. The materials contained on this page may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver.
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